"Somebody's house" in English is la casa di qualcuno in Italian.
"Little House on the Prairie" in English is La casa nella prateria in Italian. The feminine singular phrase translates literally as "The house in the prairie" in English. The pronunciation will be "la KA-sa NEL-la pra-tey-REE-a" in Italian.
casa sul lago
The Italian state of Venice was rule by a Doge for over 1000 yrs (8th to the 18th Centuries)Doge was the (Venetian) Italian word for Duke.
"House" in English is casa in Italian.
The house in Italian is "La casa".
"Your house" in English is la tua casa in Italian.
In the movie they made Italian - it looked like some kind of salad and chicken.
"Eat them!" as a command (imperative) in English is Mangiali! in Italian.
Yes, the ITALIAN RENASSIACE did eat the chocolate cake.
"Where is the house?" in English is Dov'è la casa?("Where's the house?") or Dove si trova la casa? ("Where is the house found?") in Italian.
"House of Pasta" in English is La casa della pasta in Italian.
"Somebody's house" in English is la casa di qualcuno in Italian.
"Dale's house" in English is la casa di Dale in Italian.
they can eat anything
The Italian word 'casa' translates to 'house' or 'home' in English.