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"Una notte in Italia"

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Q: What is 'A night in Italy' when translated from English to Italian?
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What is 'Good night' when translated from English to Italian?

"Good night!" in English is Buonanotte! in Italian.

What is 'Saturday night' when translated from English to Italian?

"Saturday night" in English is Sabato notte in Italian.

What is 'beautiful night' when translated from English to Italian?

"Beautiful night" in English is bella notte in Italian.

What is 'Italian night' when translated from English to Italian?

Notte italiana

What is 'notte' when translated from Italian to English?

"Night" is an English equivalent of the Italian word notte.Specifically, the word functions as a feminine noun in its singular form. It may be translated as "night, night-time." The pronunciation will be "NOT-tey" in Italian.

What is 'night' when translated from English to Italian?

notte Notte

What is 'Have a good night handsome' when translated from English to Italian?

"Have a good night, handsome!" in English is Buona notte, bello! in Italian.

What is 'Luna notte' when translated from Italian to English?

Luna notte in Italian means "moon night" in English.

What is 'last night' when translated from English to Italian?

Ieri stasera.

What is 'city of night' when translated from English to Italian?

lacit ta notate

What is 'What a beautiful night' when translated from English to Italian?

Che Bella notte.

What is 'Good night I love you' when translated from English to Italian?

"Good night! I love you!" in English is Buona notte! Ti amo! in Italian.