As-tu des plans pour aujourd'hui?
semaine - week
April in French is 'avril'. The names of the months and days of the week are not capitolized in French.
"passe / passez une bonne semaine"
Ayez un week-end agréable or Bon week-end
You can say "Quels sont tes projets ?" in French to ask "What are your plans?"
plans d'étage
A week in french is une semaine.
You can say "je n'ai pas de plans" in French to mean "I have no plans."
The word "week" in French is "semaine".
French Week was created in 2010.
plans d'apprentissage personnels
Week in French is spelt le semaine.
Into the week is "pendant la semaine" in French.
I have searched for similar plans and had a hard time finding French Furniture. This is the only place with reference to French Furniture I've found.
"What are your plans for today?" in English is Quels sont vos projets pour aujourd'hui? in French.
As-tu des plans pour aujourd'hui?