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come here! like a command

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Q: What does ven para aca mean in spanish?
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What does ben aqui mean in spanish?

"Ben aqui" is not a Spanish phrase. It could be a misspelling or a mix of languages. "Bien aquí" means "well here" in Spanish.

What is the English translation for Aca y alla?

aca/aqui means here. alla/alli means there. ven aca/aqui = come here vayate alla/alli = go over there

How do you say you are going home to eat dinner in spanish?

¿Te vas a casa a cenar?

What does ben aberme mean in spanish?

Come to see me. Ven a verme.

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What is ben in spanish?

if you mean 'ven' (pronounced 'ben' it's 'you, formal plural/they see'

What does domo ven aqui mean?

"Domo ven aquí" is a combination of Japanese and Spanish that means "come here" in English. "Domo" is a slang term used in Japanese to express gratitude, while "ven aquí" is Spanish for "come here."

What does ven pa'ca mean?

It's a Spanish way of saying "come over here," but in slang form.

What does come here mean in spanish?

Ven aquí, Linda is a Spanish equivalent of 'Come here, Beautiful'. The imperative 'ven' means '[you] come'. The adverb 'aquí' means 'here'. The feminine adjective 'linda' means 'beautiful'. All together, it's pronounced 'BEH-nah-KEE LEEN-dah'.

How do you say come soon in spanish?

Por venir or para venir is one way. Venidero/a is another way. If you mean it's the next attraction in an ongoing series of attractions, such as movies, then Próximo/a conveys the notion that its the next one after the current one.

Does Ven as a command carry an accent in Spanish?

No, it does not.

How do you say come here in Spanish?

ven acá" Ven aquí "- source -Google Translate.