Yes, it is. "Un" is for masculine and "une" is for feminine.
A binder (school item) is 'un classeur' (masc.) in French.
un fantôme is a ghost in English.
Translation: classeur à attaches OR reliure à attaches
un tabier doesn't mean anything, un tablier means un apron
"Un classeur" is French for "a binder" or "a filing cabinet," used to organize and store documents or papers.
Un classeur is a binder, used mostly by students.
Yes, it is. "Un" is for masculine and "une" is for feminine.
A binder (school item) is 'un classeur' (masc.) in French.
In French, the word "binder" is masculine, so it is "un classeur."
"Classeur" is a masculine noun in French.
un fantôme is a ghost in English.
Un fils (masc.) is a son in English.
un chapeau (masc.) is a hat in English.
Un chapeau (masc.) is 'a hat' in English.
'un renne' is called a reindeer in English.
Translation: classeur à attaches OR reliure à attaches