touch my darling, touch for touché is not quite accurate. Touché is mostly associated with Fencing as to acknowledge a hit being successfully made. However, it is also used in a manner to relay that a good or clever point of view in an argument, debate, etc. has successfully been made by an opponent or opposing person. This is of course usually done at the expense of one person from another.
Mon cheri broken down is simply this: 'Mon' is a possessive term for 'My' and 'cheri' means 'darling', 'beloved,' etc. Basically a term of endearment.
"Touché, mon cheri." This is basically said when one person acknowledges the good or clever point made at their expense by one they hold dearly. Of course it can be, and sometimes is, said in a sarcastic or mocking manner by someone who is being cynical or facetious.
Good morning = "bonjour" (commonly used) or "bon matin" (uncommon) Babe = "ma cherie" (female) or "mon cher" (male) So you could say: "Bonjour ma cherie" or "Bon matin ma cherie" (if you're talking to a girl) "Bonjour mon cher" or "Bon matin mon cher" (if you're talking to a guy)
Bonjour, mon ami! in French means "Hello, my friend!" in English.
You could either say: Bonjour! Mon Ami or Salut! Mon Ami
Bonjour ma chérie
bonjour je m'appelle or bonjour mon nom est
Good morning = "bonjour" (commonly used) or "bon matin" (uncommon) Babe = "ma cherie" (female) or "mon cher" (male) So you could say: "Bonjour ma cherie" or "Bon matin ma cherie" (if you're talking to a girl) "Bonjour mon cher" or "Bon matin mon cher" (if you're talking to a guy)
You can say "Bonjour mon amour, comment vas-tu?" in French to say "hello my love, how are you?".
Bonjour, mon ami! in French means "Hello, my friend!" in English.
bientôt mon chéri (masculine) or bientôt ma chérie (feminine): soon my love
"good morning, my darling love"
"good morning, my darling love"
You could either say: Bonjour! Mon Ami or Salut! Mon Ami
Bonjour ma chérie
bonjour je m'appelle or bonjour mon nom est
Bonjour, mon amour is a French equivalent of 'Good morning, My love'. The masculine noun 'bonjour' means 'good' ['bon'] 'day' ['jour']. The masculine possessive 'mon' means 'my'. The masculine noun 'amour' means 'love'. All together, they're pronounced 'boh-zhoor moh-nah-moor'.bonjour mon amour
I love you a lot my darling (from French to English)
It means something like "my sweetheart" or "my love", said to a guy. To a girl, it would be "ma cherie" (pronounced in a VERY similar way). Literally, "My darling" (it should be - mon chéri and ma chérie)