As an interrogative, ¿Tiene sueño? means "Are you sleepy/tired?"
As a regular sentenec, Tiene sueño means "(S)he/it is tired/sleepy."
She's tired, she's sleepy
it means Dream of love 100% certain.
"Tienes" means "you have." It stems from the infinitive form "tener," which is a stem changing verb.
(he) has an easy task
Tiene / tienen / tienes / tenéis
She's tired, she's sleepy
I am sleepy
Dream of Mexico
That you are tired!!
'you' is English 'llaman' = 'you/they call' 'y sueno' = 'and I sleep' or 'and sleep/dream/sleepiness' riin (rien? = 'you/they laugh')
it could be a dream
"Sueno mi amor" translates to "Dream my love" in English. It is a romantic phrase typically expressing a desire for a loved one to be present in one's dreams.
un nuevo suen~o = a new dream
it means Dream of love 100% certain.
"Que tiene" in Spanish translated to "what he/she/it has/you have" "Tiene" is the he/she/it/you(formal) conjugation of the Spanish verb "tener" which means "to have", therefore "tiene" means "he, she or it has/you have" "Que" can either mean "what" or "that" "Que tiene?" as a question means "What does he/she/it/you have?" "....que tiene" in the middle of a sentence usually means "that/which he/she/it has/you have". 'tener que' = 'to be obliged/have to' 'que tiene que' = 'which/who is/are obliged//has/have to'
Él tiene means: he has. It is phrase and not a complete sentence.
He has.