It's an expression in the imperative [a command] that can be variously translated as, "Enliven yourself," "Cheer up" "Don't worry" "Get with it" "Brighten Up" "Lighten up" "Get happy" even "Hurry up" [if you're dragging/flagging].
"quidera" is not a Spanish word.
alico is not a Spanish word.
quest is not a Spanish word.
I think what you mean is "What is the Spanish word for let?" because the word "let" is an English word, not Spanish. The Spanish word for "to let" is permitir. "Let me" is "permítame."
There is no Spanish word "esay." Perhaps you mean "ese" or "esa"? Both of those words mean "that."
Fast animal: animal rápido; animal veloz.
the root words for animate
The notion of living beings as animate forms falls by the wayside.
It is the Spanish word for "fox".
afuras is not a spanish word.
gaka is not a Spanish word
"Coll" is not a Spanish word.
"quidera" is not a Spanish word.
Not living, not moving.