The name Spivey comes from the Middle Ages and means "smart" or a "smart person." The name was originally used as a nickname but later became a common surname.
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What does the last name "Besaw" mean?
The name Kiwa is a Japanese name mean "borderline." It is a girl name.
The meaning of the surname SPIVEY is - the crippled or deformed man
Dan Spivey's birth name is Danny Spivey.
Victoria Spivey's birth name is Victoria Regina Spivey.
Junior Spivey's birth name is Ernest Lee Spivey Jr..
Victoria Spivey, 1908 -1976, was an American blues singer. There are other people of this name, too.
DJ Scratch's birth name is Spivey, George.
it is a shuffle done by Jacob spivey
Dale Spivey is 6'.
Nigel Spivey was born in 1958.
Dan Spivey is 6' 7".
There is no information that states Keyanna Spivey is dead. Not much information can be found for Keyanna Spivey or her life.
Junior Spivey was born on January 28, 1975.