Lane, as an English surname, basically implies that you lived near some form of a "lane."
The French usage of Lane ia derived from a word meaning "Wool"-- hinting that the beared was involved in the wool trade.
Last but not least: the Irish usage of Lane is from the Gaelic Ó Luan, which is translated to "Descendent of Luan," meaning "Warrior."
The Middle Town
means muscular
Landon comes from the two names lane and don. landon means old hill and the name landon originated from England
Ranae means ressurected. The origin of the name is French.
The word Pham does not mean anything it mostly an vietnamese persons last name. And middle name to some people (me).
She didn't have one.Her middle name was Rose Martell Wilde Lane.
No, Rose didn't have a middle name.
Robert Lane Saget
Robert Lane "Bob" Saget .
Her full name is "Laura Lane Welch Bush"
an alley or alleyway if you mean a name for a narrow lane or passage between buildings! thanks, ????
Cannon Lane Middle School was created in 1934.
Yes, Rose Wilder was born Rose Wilder Lane.
It means bike path/bike lane.
Kelly Lane Middle School was created on 2006-08-15.