"And your friend" is an English equivalent of the incomplete French phrase et ton amie. The feminine singular phrase refers to a girlfriend or a female friend. The pronunciation will be "ey to-na-mee" in French.
my friend is 'mon ami(e)'; your friend is 'ton ami(e)'
It means: Friend in French
"Your friend" is an English equivalent of the French phrase ton ami. The masculine singular phrase refers to a boyfriend or to a male friend. The pronunciation will be "to-na-mee" in French.
un ami
A boy friend is 'un petit ami' in French.
"Ton Ami" is French for "your friend." It is commonly used to refer to someone's friend in a casual or familiar way.
ton ami
my friend is 'mon ami(e)'; your friend is 'ton ami(e)'
ton ami (masc.), ton amie (fem.) tes amis (masc. plural), tes amies (fem. plural)
Un ami : a friend (male) Une amie : a friend (female)
Où est ton petit ami?
my boyfriend is called "mon petit ami" or "mon ami" in French
Est-ce que je suis ton ami / ton amie. Note the spellings of Ami/Amie: • "ami"; if you askin a male friend. • "amie"; if you askin a female friend.
puis-je être ton ami?
It means: Friend in French
i like you boyfriend
Content d'être votre ami. (if you're a guy) Contente d'être votre ami. (if you're a girl) 'votre' is used out of respect You can also say 'content(e) d'être ton ami. OR Enchanté d'être ton/votre ami. (if you're a guy) Enchantée d'être ton/votre ami. (if you're a girl)