The Latin word for "natural" is naturalis(-e).
your self
The root "loco" comes from the Latin, locus, meaning "place". The words "locomotive" and "locomotion" contain this root.
urbem is Latin for city, the root of the word is the noun urbs, city (ergo: the English word urban)
The latin root meaning for cise is to cut
The root "discipulus" means "student" in Latin.
Calor is the Latin word for "heat".
correction: olygy does not exist, however the latin root "OLOGY" phonetically sounds like ol Y gy (all-e-gee)the study of _____________ -ologyblank being the field in referencei.e. meteorology, astrology etc...
The root sequ means "to follow" or "to order." It is derived from the Latin word "sequi."
The Latin root word "tempus" means time.
its actually latin. the latin root imag means likeness. EX; imagine, imagination
"Hydro" root means "water"
If you mean circumference of a circle then that is its Latin roots
the latin root meaning for cent is a hundered,the latin root for cap is to take seieze or hold,and last is dur wich the latin root is dur wich means hard
The root aud comes from the Latin word audire -to hear, listen.