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Seul (masc.) and seule (fem.) means "alone" in French.

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Q: What does the French word seul mean?
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What does the french word seul mean as used by a french census taker?

Seul means alone in French. Census agents use 'seul' or 'seule' (feminine) in that sense, notably for one-person households.

What is the English word 'alone' in french?

It means "seul" in french

What is the word alone in french?

seul or seulement

How do you say alone in french?

seul (masc) or seule (fem)To say the word alone in the French language you say seul.

What is the French word for one of a kind?

seul de son espèce, unique

You are alone in french?

Vous êtes seul.

How can we say i am alone in french?

You can say "Je suis seul" in French to express that you are alone.

Is on its own in french?

est seul

How do you spell alone in french?

seul, seule all alone = tout seul, toute seule

My love in french?

mon seul amour

What is the feminine word for only in French?

Only is "le seul" (masc.), "la seule" (feminine) in French. As an adverb, is it translated by the invariable adverb "seulement".

How do you say lonely in French?

Lonely is "seul / seule" or "solitaire" in French.