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It means 'Elf-friend'.

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Q: What does the Elvish word elendil mean in English?
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Technically if you would use a dash in the word in English, it would use an apostrophe in Elvish instead. Thus the word would look like this:Nai`radNairad Means "oak leaf" in elvish. It may or may not hold additional meanings.

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the elvish word for war is Mal. (I looked up elvish words and the website said that Mal is the elvish word for war) Always happy to answer your Questions, ~ E

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Elvish word for friend is mellon.

What does Rad?

Technically if you would use a dash in the word in English, it would use an apostrophe in Elvish instead. Thus the word would look like this:Nai`radNairad Means "oak leaf" in elvish. It may or may not hold additional meanings.

What is the elvish word for righteous?

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How do you spell flower in elvish?

Lote is the Quenya word for flower.

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In Quenya it's "pel-".

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The elvish alphabet can be found here -'s called Tengwar, the Quenya (one of the Elvish languages) word for symbols.

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In Sindarin, the word for castle or fortress is ost.