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Said to a cow: "Hi there, Bossy"

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Q: What does privet karova mean?
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What does the prefix eka mean?

privet prat

What does preeing mean?

Privet (привет) is "hi" in Russian.

What does private mean in Russia?

Privet means 'Hi' in Russian.

What does confidentially mean?

Something personal and privet that you are uncomfortable to tell someone

What is a privet leaf?

A privet leaf is a narrow, oval-shaped leaf with a smooth texture. It is typically dark green in color and can be found on privet hedges and shrubs.

How do you say hello darling in Russian?

privet dorogoy, or if you are saying it to a girl: privet dorogaya

What does PRYVIT mean?

Pryvit (привiт ) is Ukrainian for "hi". Hi in Russian is "privet" (привeт).This is not the spelling of Any English word. Pronounced pree-vyét it would be Russian for "Hi there!" or "Hello." Pronounced pry-vit ( and spelled private) it would mean personal, not public; singular, restricted.

Hello how are you in Russian?

Preatna svami pavnakomitsa.

What is Harry Potter's address?

4 Privet DriveLittle WhingingSurrey#4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, the county of Surrey.

What is the scientific name for privet?

what is the scientific name for privet?There are four species of privet in east Texas (where I live and work). All are in the genus Ligustrum. The individual species names are as follows Glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum Ait. F), Japanese privet (Ligustrum japonicumThumb.), Wax leaf ligustrum (Ligustrum quihoui Carr.), and Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinese Lour.).Source: Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of East Texas by Elray S. Nixon. Second edition, copyright 2000.