la fenêtre
What does la cartera mean in spanish
la pierna = the leg
la cuisine = kitchen
La ficha means "the card" in English.
ouvrez la fenêtre means open the window
'Quvrez' is not a word in French, although 'ouvrez' is. 'Ouvrez la fenêtre' means 'open the window'.
The plural of "la fenetre" in French is "les fenetres."
"Open your book on page (number)"
Can I close the window ? -
"The window"
"Ouvrez la bouche" is French for "open your mouth." It is a commonly used phrase by healthcare professionals when conducting medical examinations or treatments that require the patient to open their mouth.
la fenêtre
ouvre la fenetre
Fermez la fenetre. (fair-may la fen-etra)
Ouvrez vos livres a la page....
la means the in english