marrant is masculine, marrante is the feminine form.
Marrant is masculine. The feminine version is 'marrante'.
in French what does E O mean
Sinssa doesn't mean anything in French.
That is not a "real" name and it does not mean anything in French.
marrant is masculine, marrante is the feminine form.
it means 'funny'
Marrant is masculine. The feminine version is 'marrante'.
The french word for fun is Amusant(e).Amusant can be masculine or feminine so you should put an e if you are a girl and leave it Amusant if you are a boy. Amusant also means funny.
It does not mean anything in French.
Amusant (drôle, marrant, rigolo) in the masculine and amusante (drôle, marrante, rigolote) in the feminine are French equivalents of the English word "funny." Context makes clear whether the choice is feminine or masculine gender-driven and formal or -- regarding the words between parentheses -- informal. The respective pronunciations will be "a-myoo-zaw (drol, mar-raw, ree-go-lo)" in the masculine and "a-myoo-zawnte (drol, mar-rawnt, ree-go-lot)" in the feminine in French.
It mean 27 in french
"Prada" does not mean anything in French.
dormi mean 'slept' in French.
route mean road in french
in French what does E O mean
tale mean une histoire in French