'Javae from French into English is 'Java' If you meant 'Je vais' into English then its 'I go'
Before translating that in French, we have to know what "moochie" is supposed to mean in English.
french for an English man :)
'Of being' is the English translation.
The French word "laid" translates to "ugly" in English.
Vous êtes laid! Profitez de la vie! in French means "You're ugly! Make the most of life!" in English.
Translated from English to french, mad (English) is folle in French.
In French, "notre" means "our" in English.
"And" in French is "et".
"Français" translates to "French" in English.
your (boy)friend is ugly
Actif in French means active in English.
Seulement in French means only in English.
The word "fluid" in French can be translated as "fluide."
French - English: Dizziness