My favourite work of art
If you mean 'whip': azotar = to whip (verb) un azote = a whip (noun) If you mean "work in progress" obra/trabajo en progreso = work in progress the abbreviation WIP can also be used for "work in progress" in Spanish, but is used much less than "obra en progreso" or "trabajo en progreso"
la piscina mean the swimming pool
What does la cartera mean in spanish
Ou la la means "oh my"; "ou" does mean "or" in French but not in this context as it is the combination of letters needed to make the sound in French.
Title of the artwork
La obra means 'work of art.' (McDougal Littell ¡En español! Level 2 Unidad 1 Etapa 2)
sube to get on = subir get on with it = manos a la obra
Angel La zaro has written: 'Vida y obra de Benavente'
Georges Charpak has written: 'Manos a la Obra'
Alejandro Grajal has written: 'La economia nacional y la ocupacion de la mano de obra'
Obra is Nursing Home Reform Laws of 1987 that established rights for nursing home residents.
"¡Bienvenido, don Goyito!" es una obra teatral puertorriqueña escrita por Luis Rafael Sánchez. La obra combina humor y crítica social para abordar temas como la identidad nacional, la política y las relaciones humanas. A través del personaje de don Goyito, se reflejan aspectos de la sociedad puertorriqueña y se invita a reflexionar sobre la realidad del país.
What is the name of the author of the work.
The cast of La vida y obra de Emiliano Villafuente - 2009 includes: Leonardo Escalante as Otilio Ugalde Mayor Luis Felipe Solano Espinoza as Emiliano Villafuente
obra: workSuch as a painting, "work of art."or in construction, construction workor a literary work.NOT to be confused with trabajo, which is also work, in the sense of a job.