It means: oh god! not again!
Well, "Las mujeres beben demasiado cerveza otra vez" means 'The women drink/are drinking too much beer again".
Another / Other
As written, "Toda otra persona que no sé hablar español" means "All other person that i don't know how to speak Spanish".
Juanita, ¿ perdiste tus llaves otra vez?Juanita, have you lost your keys again?Answer:perdiste
De Otra Manera was created on 2002-08-14.
Así O De Otra Manera was created in 1964.
The duration of Así O De Otra Manera is 1.58 hours.
"solo otra vez" means "only one more time" in English.
It means "Open it again" In English.
again! (encore!) OR another (feminine object)
It means Type your password again.
"we will talk again in another life"
"it'll be another busy week"
It means: oh god! not again!
"Otra vez esta pendeja" is a Spanish phrase that translates to "this stupid girl again" in English. It is a derogatory and disrespectful way of referring to a woman.
"Otra chica" means another girl.