The word "comme" means "how" or "as". Comme un enfant = like a child. Comme d'habitude = As usual.
The phrase 'comme chez soi' is French and in English it means 'just like home'. The literal translation for 'comme' is such as, the translation for 'chez' is as, and finally the French word soi translates as home.
"tu aimes quoi comme genre de musique" is informal / spoken French for 'what do you like as a style of music?'
"A comme amour" translates to "A like love" in English. It's a poetic way of expressing the concept of love, using the French word "comme" which means "like" or "as." So, in a nutshell, it's basically saying "Love is like this." Hope that clears it up for you!
Comme Entré
The word "comme" means "how" or "as". Comme un enfant = like a child. Comme d'habitude = As usual.
like the star
it means: plain as
You can say "comme eux" in French to mean "just like them" in English.
You can say "Ce n'est pas comme ça" in French to mean "It is not like that".
so so
"Comme estai" is not a recognized phrase in French. It is possible that you meant "comment ça va?" which is a common French greeting meaning "how are you?"
"as follows" in French can be translated as "comme suit."
"So so" in French is spelled "comme-ci, comme-ça."
"Sucre comme" in French means "sugar like" in English. It is used to describe something that is sweet or sugary.
The phrase 'comme chez soi' is French and in English it means 'just like home'. The literal translation for 'comme' is such as, the translation for 'chez' is as, and finally the French word soi translates as home.
Comme ci comme ça in French means "so-so" (literally, "like this, like that") in English.