You like dick
Assuming it is a question (te gusta mirar la television?')You could reply: Si, me gusta (Yes, I like (watching TV))orNo, no me gusta (No, I don't like (watching TV))
what does A que hora es tu clase de matematicas
Leche is a feminine noun in Spanish so it is 'la leche.' Leche means milk.
"Que te gusta hacer?" means "What do you like to do?" (the "e" in Que should carry an accent mark.)As a result, you use the verb "gustar" for "like" and finish the answer with any type of activity that you like to do.I like to study. - Me gusta estudiar.I like to run. - Me gusta correr.I like to swim. - Me gusta nadar. / Me gusta la natacion.I like cook. - Me gusta cocinar.
Te/le gusta la leche, el marido?
"Te gusta la sopa" means "Do you like soup?" in English.
You like dick
¿A ti te gusta la música?Do you like the music?
You say, "Tomo la leche." 'Beber' in Spanish means 'to drink' but I've found that in Hispanoamerica, 'tomar' is used much more frequently to mean 'to drink.'
"te gusta hacer la tarea" means "you like to do homework"
It means I like school. :)
"¿Qué te gusta hacer durante la semana?" means "What do you like to do during the week?" in English.
It means "you like the technology class".
"Te gusta hablar en la clase de español" translates to "Do you like to talk in Spanish class?" in English.
It means "What time do you want to watch TV?"
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