Tu es in french translates to latin as just 'es'. In latin I am is just sum; ego sum is tautological. Similarly 'you(singular) are' is not written 'tu es'.
(Ego) curo, (tu) curas.
It means,,,,, I miss you so much. I want you to know that I love you and don't forget it. I will love you forever.
Language actually says a lot about a culture and it's values. In English we have the word love that we use for different situations. However, Latin has 18 different words for love, each unique to the type or situation. Some of those words are "amant, amore, and caritas."
"tu as quel âge" mean "how old are you" ;)
Ego amare satanam
The English meaning of 'Ego non tu latinum scio' is I, not you, know Latin. In the word-by-word translation, the personal pronoun 'ego' means 'I'. The adverb 'non' means 'not'. The personal pronoun 'tu' means 'you' [singular]. The noun 'latinum' means 'Latin [language]'. The verb 'scio' means '[I] am knowing, do know, know'.
ubi tu pulasas ego vapulo tantum means where you hit/punch only i am beaten. ubi-where tu-you pulsas-you hit/punch ego-I vapulo-I am beaten tantum-only
"Tu et ego."
Tu es in french translates to latin as just 'es'. In latin I am is just sum; ego sum is tautological. Similarly 'you(singular) are' is not written 'tu es'.
Ego tu amas... I love you
In Latin, 'ego' means 'I' and 'tu' means 'you.'
(Ego) curo, (tu) curas.
I love
It means,,,,, I miss you so much. I want you to know that I love you and don't forget it. I will love you forever.
Only today to love.
If you mean how it would look in writing, it's: AMARE Samr as our current alphabet, but no lower case letters - all capitals.