lia femme is a french words. The spanish translation is "Mujer Atada" and the english traslation is "Tied woman"
The words 'sa femme' may mean her woman, or his woman. In the word-by-word translation, the possessive adjective 'sa' means 'his, her, its'. The noun 'femme' means 'wife, woman'.
it means the little lady
what does domino mean in spanish
une femme. femme or fille (young woman)
bello,-a, (femme) guapo,-a (maculine)
lia femme is a french words. The spanish translation is "Mujer Atada" and the english traslation is "Tied woman"
If this has something to do with french, Femme means woman or female in french.
des yeux de femme are "woman's eyes" in French.
In French, "la belle femme" stands for "the beautiful woman"
'une femme charmante' is 'a charming woman' (or ' a charming wife')
Female impersonator
The woman
The woman
if you mean "lache la femme" it means "let the woman go"
"woman with the red veil" is the translation for 'femme au voile rouge'