e fix ar is toe
He says "Jesus Christ!" and Jesus replies untu him "Yes daddy? You didn't stub your toe again?! Daddy!"
Cúanto, like "coo-ahn-toe."How much is¿Cuánto?
Excuse me.
The horse has only one toe. Other hoofed animals have a split toe. The horse is the only animal that does not have the split toe. Not including the zebra of course.
I love my toe
One can find information about toe rings online from Toe Ring Queen, Auntie Treasures and My Shopping. Other places to find out information about toe rings include The Find, and Hot Frog.
You say it as Tuh-may-toe
if they take a blood test from your toe, your screwed. other than that...nothing reallyhappens to your toe.
"Toe fo'i mai i'inei". Or "Toe sau i'i"
A big toe is the largest of the toes of a human and some other animals.
The fifth, or pinkie, toe functions as part of a group of five toes. They help you walk. Though some might say there is no (important) biological function, it still has a function, otherwise we would not have one.
tomates (toe-mah-tes)
Tomas (pronounced toe-mahs)