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That's Spanish for "I am very tired now". Since "tired" is in feminine, that means it is a woman who is talking.

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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

I'm very tired.

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โˆ™ 13y ago

I'm so tired. (female)

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โˆ™ 15y ago

It means, "I am very tired and sick."

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โˆ™ 13y ago

It means, "I am very tired" in spanish.

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โˆ™ 11y ago

Translation: I am very tired.

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Q: What does Estoy muy cansada y enferma means?
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What is estoy muy enferma in spanish?

I am sick / I have the flu

Cansanda mean in English?

La Cansanda is "tired" in English. ex: "yo estoy muy cansada." it means "I am very tired."

What is igualmente para ti estoy muy enferma te quiero mucho in spanish?

Translation: Same for you. I am very sick. I love you lots.

What is the English translation for Es muy dificil porque soy muy cansada?

It is very difficult because I am (permenantly) very tired. The sentence should read "Es muy dificil proque estory muy cansada" It is very difficult because I am very tired (right now). The difference is soy denotes something permanent. Estoy denotes something temporary.

What does muy estoy?

It means, "Very I am..." It's gibberish.

How do you respond to Muy Bien in Spanish?

Muy bien means 'very well'. The conversation could look something like "¿Cómo estás? Muy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?" You could reply with however you are feeling. If you are feeling tired you could say "Estoy cansado" if you are male or "Estoy cansada" if you are female.

What does estoy moy ben means?

You got the wrong spelling it's 'Estoy Muy Bien.' this means 'I am very well.'

Response to como esta?

"Como eres tu?" does literally translate to "How are you?", but that is not how you would say it in spanish. You would ask " Como estas tu?" the response would be, "Estoy bien" I am well. Or " No muy bien". Not very well.

What does estoy muy gustos mean?

it means im really good

How do you say I am doing very well in Spanish?

Estoy muy bien.

Estoy muy bonita means what in spanish?

Translation: You are very beautiful gorgeous.

What does Estoy muy grande Tia mean?

Estoy muy grande, tia = I am very big/tall, aunt(ie)