Andouillette is a French food. It is a sausage made with pork or veal, pepper, chitterlings, onions and wine.
let the party begin
No, they are based upon latin words.
The French word for "chocolate" is "chocolat".
French culture is rich in dance history so it is no surprise that the words "beautiful dancer" easily translate to French. It becomes the words "belle danseuse".
Some French words that begin with "K" include "kiwi" (kiwi), "kilo" (kilogram), and "koala" (koala).
ici, idee
Wagon, Wallon
Yes, there are French words that begin with the letter 'I', such as igloo (igloo), idée (idea), and île (island).
je, jeudi, jarre, jolie, joie, jouet are French words beginning by J.
Some French words that begin with the letter "y" are "yaourt" (yogurt), "yoga" (yoga), and "yeux" (eyes).
Here are some French words that begin with "z": zoo (zoo), zéro (zero), zigzag, zeste (zest), zébrure (stripe).
uniforme, urgence, unique, unanime
ornement - which means ornament
Some French words that begin with the letter P are "pain" (bread), "pomme" (apple), "piscine" (swimming pool), and "passion" (passion).