That really depends on the grading system. In some cases, it means you got 53% of the answers right. Whether that is an acceptable grade or not also depends on the specific case.
cincuenta y tres
I give them answers, lots and lots of answers, whether they like them or not.
on google ....... type wacky wordy answers
He thought it was devine. If you notice there is no di on the worksheet answers but there is a de.
The answers to the Daffynation Decoder for the Ozone and Mistletoe are not provided when searching the internet. A person will have to go through the Daffynation to obtain the answers themselves.
warehouse- what you say when lost
You dont do anything with the decoder kit. That guys evil (whatever his name is) so he gives you something fake.
Romantic- anitalianinsect American- ahappycontainer
warehouse: whatyousaywhenlost (where house) explian: notscrambledorfried (eggs plain)
Napsack om ma s adolla wast d
The answers are:condense: a dumb criminal program: in favor of the metric system
Pythagoras was a famous Greek who knew all the rightangles
lumberjack: awoodenpancake quartz watch: lookingatmilk first aid instructor: wizardofgauze
To get the decoder you have to be a Secret Agent. If you are in the handbook there is the decoder which is very useful.
8:256 decoder circuit can be implemented by using 4:16 decoder circuit