It all started when Meghan and her mom were on their way to the north brook mall. Then the place the were going to the multiplex was closed so they had went to see their great grandma Breckenridge in Whispering oats nursing home. when they got their lots of camera crews and reporters were trying to interview great grandma Breckenridge. Megan's mom told them to stay back because they might scare great grandma brikenigde with all those cameras. but great grandma told Megan's mom to let them in, so they came in and asked great grandma about her life and she told a whole bunch of lies about her past. that was over and Meghan sat by great grandma and gave her a kiss , and told her that she promise she will come back to visit.
Bi-plane hair plain = a grassy plain with oats or wheat, etc. Lane, pain, cane, insane, sane, plain abstain again airplane arcane arraign attain bane biplane birdbrain blain bloodstain brain butane Cain campaign cane chain champagne champaign chicane chlordane chow-mein cocaine complain constrain contain coxswain crane dane deign deplane detain disdain dogbane domain drain elaine emplane enchain engrain enplane entrain explain eyestrain fain feign fleabane floodplain forebrain gain gawain germane grain henbane hindbrain humane inane ingrain insane Jane lain lamebrain lane main Maine maintain mane membrane methane midbrain midpain midplane migraine mortmain mundane obtain octane ordain pain pane pertain plain plane profane propane ptomaine quatrain rain refrain regain reign rein remain restrain retain retrain sane seaplane seine skein slain Spain sprain stain strain sustain suzerain swain tearstain terrain tisane train twain Ukraine unchain urbane vain vane vein vervain volplane wain wane warplane wolfsbane Shame, same, pain, vein, blame, came, flame, name, claim, fame, game, gain, cane, lame, main, rain
The oats are good for you.
Oats are very good for a person, you get serving of whole grains and intern you get much needed fiber. Oats are also a very good source of selenium. Oats will make you calmer. Although people have to be careful because many big brands who sell them added sugar to it which is not benifical.
I'm not sure exactly what constitutes wild oats. Lets stick with native grasses. Most are fine for horse consumption. There are some toxic weeds and plants but they are usually not oats.
Yes. Oats are a regular addition to most commercial feed grains. Cracked corn, wheat, oats and various other seeds make up both hen scratch and layer formulas.
Oats are oats, they are grown, not made. You can make cereal out of oats, but not oats out of cereal.
They arent good for you as such. This is just another passing fad claim by the medical community. Like most other foods they arent bad in moderation however there is NO scientific vidence to back up any claims that oats are good for you. The ONLY foods that are proven to be good for you are raw natural foods that come out of the ground or come of trees, bushes etc. On the other hand, oats do have some serious benefits. First of all it is one of the most protein-dense grain available. Oats have an adequate amount of fiber. Oats are often eaten at the start of the day, since it is high complex carbohydrates, it will supply energy to you for the rest of the day. And probably best of all, it is cheap! $1 will be enough to buy enough oats to last a week. In fact, oats are natural foods, it is a grain, and grains are grown from the ground.
is oats recommended n a cancer diet
I once ate raw oats. they were very difficult to chew and weren't very nice at all. I should think eating uncooked oats all the time can't be very good for you. I would recomend cooking them as its not all that difficult.
Oats is called "ఓట్స్" (Oats) in Telugu.
it has no cholesterol and it has omega 3 which is good for the heart and blood circulation
The oats in granola are the same rolled oats you find in oatmeal.