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wat (= English 'watt', is also rendered by 'vatio'. Similarly 'Wagnerian' and 'Westphalian' can be rendered by 'wagneriano' and 'westfaliano', but more correctly 'vagneriano' and 'vestfaliano')

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12y ago
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8y ago

Spanish does not generally use the letter w except for cognates and brand names that are not generally translated. Here are some examples:

  • wafle- waffle
  • waflera- waffle iron
  • wat - watt (unit of measuring electricity, also spelled vatio)
  • wigwam- wigwam
  • wapiti­- wapiti
  • whisky- whiskey
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11y ago

There aren't any words in Spanish that start with 'w.' All of them are hispanicized versions of foreign words, such as:

  • Wahabi
  • Walquiria
  • Whisqui
  • Weber
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8y ago

There are hardly any; "w" can almost be thought as not being part of the Spanish language, though it does appear in some foreign words, for example place names such as "Washington", personal names such as "Walter", as well as a few common words, all of which are adapted from other languages.

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13y ago

there are no words in spANSIH THat start with "w" i have tried to find them but no try looking for words with w in them

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13y ago

There are no native Spanish words that use the letter W.

Whisky is an imported word that is widely used

Wigwam is also widely used.

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12y ago

There are none also w is not in the spanish alphabet because the only teach u it in america because its in the english alphabet this is a fact

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14y ago

The only words beginning in w in Spanish are borrowed from other languages. There is no w in any native Spanish words.

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12y ago

For Spanish words, w doesn't exist, mostly. Exceptions are:

wat = (electrical) watt

German-origin words, e.g. 'wagneriano' (also 'vagneriano')

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14y ago

no sir

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Q: What spanish words begin with letter w?
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Spanish words that start with the letter w?

There really arn't too many words that start with the letter 'w' in the Spanish language. This is because the 'W' is not a Spanish letter, but rather one that they adopted from the English language. The words that begin with a 'w' in Spanish are all nouns.

What is a spanish word that begins with w?

"Whisky" is a Spanish word that begins with the letter 'w'.

Is there a Spanish word containing the letter W?

There are no Spanish words that begin with the letter W. There may be some words borrowed from foreign languages that do, but if so they are few. Many do not consider W to be a letter in the Spanish alphabet.

19 letter words beginning with w?

There are 2 - 18 letter words that begin with W. However, there are no 19 letter words in the English language that begin with W.

What are some words that begin with the letter W and end with the letter Q?

Thousands of words begin with the letter w. However, no word begins with the letter w and ends with the letter q.

What Italian words begin with the letter 'W'?

No native Italian words begin with the letter W.Specifically, words which begin with the letter W are loan words. The Italian language does not spell with the letter W even though the sound may exist when the letter Uis followed by a vowel. Examples of loan words which begin with the letter W include Wave, Web, Whip, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Words that begin and end in the letter w?

Wheelbarrow, whew and willow are words. Warsaw, window, withdraw and wow are words that begin with the letter w.

What Words that begin with you and end with w?

Unscrew and undertow begin with the letter u. They end with letter w.

Is the letter w in the spanish alphabet?

Yes the letter W is in the spanish alphabet... In my dictionary there are 11 words with the letter W, but most of them are words from foreign languages like the word: Windsurfista = Windsurfer

Nine letter word that begin with the letter w?

Waistcoat, waistline, wallboard, wallpaper, whaleboat and wheelbase are nine letter words. They begin with the letter w.

What jobs start with w in Spanish?

W is not a letter used in Spanish except for borrowed words.