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Stasi is a literal Italian equivalent of the English name "Stacie." The diminutive serves as an affectionate nickname for the feminine forenames Anastasia (from the Greek ἀνάστασις [anà stasis], "resurrection") and Eustacchia (from the Greek Ευσταχιυς [Eustachus], "good harvest") and the masculine forenames Anastasio and Eustacchio. The respective pronunciations will be "STA-see" for the nickname and "A-na-STA-sya" and "EY-oo-STAK-kya" for the feminine forenames and "A-na-SA-syo" and "EY-oo-STAK-kyo" for the masculine forenames in Italian.
Your given names are what used to be called Christian names or forenames. Sometimes it is now called your personal name or first name, as distinguished from your family name or family names.
Your given names are what used to be called Christian names or forenames. Sometimes it is now called your personal name or first name, as distinguished from your family name or family names.
Masculine.Preston is from an surname of Old English roots, meaning "Priest Town." Surname-turned-forenames are generally very tacky and hideous... particularly for a female.Be warned.
Schmidt, Mayer, Maier and Müller are the most common surnames. Gabi, Gisela, Angelika, Rosi, Ulrike and Sabine are common girls forenames. Bernhardt, Rolf, Gerhard, Sebastian, Thomas and Michael are common boys forenames.
He may not ascend the throne, but if he does he may want to use one of his other forenames as his grandfather did. He has Charles, Philip, Arthur and George to choose from. The previous kings named Charles did not do to well.
Yes, Loretta can be an Italian name. The feminine proper name numbers among the nicknames for such forenames as Eleonora, Laura, Lora and Loredana. The pronunciation will be "lo-RET-ta" in Pisan Italian.
Yes, Meli is a name. The feminine noun serves as a nickname for such Italian names as Amalia ("Amelia") or Melania ("Melanie"). The pronunciation will be "mey-lee" for the diminutive and "a-MA-lya" and "mey-LA-nya" for the forenames in Italian.
Caterina is an Italian equivalent of the English name "Kathryn." The feminine proper noun thus far remains among those forenames whose origins and translations are controversial and uncertain. The pronunciation will be "KA-tey-REE-na" in Italian.
S'chn T'gai Spock. Spock is his last name.
Ale and Lessi in the feminine and masculine, Lessa in the feminine, and Lesso in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English name "Lexee." The above-mentioned names serve as affectionate nicknames for the feminine proper names Alessia ("Alexis") and Alessandra ("Alexandra") and the masculine proper names Alessio ("Alexis") and Alessandro ("Alexander"), all of which ultimately derive from the Greek verb ἀλέξω ("to defend," "to protect"). The respective pronunciations will be "A-ley" and "LES-see," "LES-sa," and "LES-so" for the diminutives, "a-LES-sya" and "A-les-SAN-dra" for the feminine forenames, and "a-LES-syo" and "A-les-SAN-dro" for the masculine forenames in Italian.