Ch words: Chica Chico Chemica
· bienvenido (welcome) · bilingue (bilingual) · biblioteca (library)
Lluvia (rain) el Reno (reindeer)
· chico (small)
Charge, chase and choose are action words. They begin with the letters CH.
Count them in a Spanish dictionary
No words begin with Rr in Spanish.
church , children , childish
Cheap, checkers, cheers and check start with the letters CH. Additional words that begin with CH are chain, chair and chalet.
The were really no letters taken away. For dictionary purposes, "ch" and "rr" are not classifed as separate characters. In other words, modern dictionaries don´t have a "ch" section. However, the "ch" sound is unchanged, and in fact many current Spanish language classess still teach it as a separate letter. "rr" is not a problem in this regard, since no Spanish words begin with "rr".
Ch words: Chica Chico Chemica
Some Spanish words that start with "ch" include chocolate (chocolate), chica (girl), and chico (boy).
Spanish words that begin with Q are: que quesadilla quimica