

Best Answer

domingo - Sunday

lunes - monday

martes - Tuesday

miercoles- Wednesday

jueves - Thursday

viernes - Friday

sabado - Saturday

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Q: What Spanish weekday comes before Domingo?
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What day of the week comes before domingo?

Sábado, which is the Spanish for Saturday.

What dose the last name dominguez mean?

The last name Dominguez is of Spanish origin and means "son of Domingo," Domingo being a common given name in Spanish-speaking cultures. It indicates a paternal lineage tracing back to an ancestor named Domingo.

How did Saturday get the name Sabado in Spanish?

The English "Saturday" comes from "Saturno", or "Saturn´s day". In Spanish, "Sábado" comes from "sabbath". "Domingo" (Sunday) comes from Latin, and means "the Lord´s day".

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In Spanish, an indirect object pronoun usually comes before a conjugated verb, while a direct object pronoun can come either before a conjugated verb or be attached to an infinitive or gerund.

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Quarter = cuarto; the r comes before the t Four = cuatro; the r comes after the t

What are the 7 days of the week in spanish?

The first day of the week is usually lunes (Monday) on a Spanish language calendar, followed by martes (Tuesday), miercoles (Wednesday), jueves (Thursday), viernes (Friday), sabado (Saturday), and domingo (Sunday).

When does Dr Skunk come in animal crossing wild world?

He comes randomly during a weekday, but not every week.

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The show comes on every weekday (Mon-Fri) at 7pm on Nick.

Which language did Spanish develop from?

Spanish comes from Latin.

How do you say bad in spanish?

The word for bad or badly in Spanish is malo or mala. When it comes before a masculine noun, it is shortened to mal.Examples:mal tiempo - bad weathermala suerte - bad luck

Where does Agemo comes from?

it comes from spanish it means "freind"

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