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'Chai' isn't a word in Japanese. If you mean 'cha' it means 'tea'. It might be you mean it as a name, written 茶衣 /chai/.
Aka -red Daidaiiro -orange Kiiro -yellow Midori -green Aoi -blue and indigo Murasaki -violet/purple Kuro -black shiro -white hope that helped...
There's actually no such language as "Creole". The word creole refers to a type of language that results from the combination of two completely different parent languages. There are more than 100 different creolized languages in the world, so you would have to specify which one you're talking about. If you're not sure, here is a list of the most commonly spoken Creoles in the world (one of them is even an official language): 1. Louisiana Creole French, spoken in Louisiana 2. Belizean Kriol language, spoken in Belize 3. Haitian Creole language, French-based, an official language of Haiti 4. Mauritian Creole, French-based, spoken in Mauritius 5. Cape Verdean Creole, spoken on the islands of Cape Verde 6. Krio Dayak language, spoken by Krio Dayak people in West Kalimantan, Indonesia 7. Liberian Kreyol language, spoken in Liberia 8. Seychellois Creole, French-based, spoken in the Seychelles 9. Guinea-Bissau Creole, spoken in Guinea-Bissau 10. Negerhollands, a Dutch-based creole, once spoken in the U.S. Virgin Islands 11. Bislama, an English-based creole, spoken in Vanuatu 12. Llanito, a Spanish- and English-based creole, spoken in Gibraltar 13. Bajan or Barbadian Creole, English-based, spoken in Barbados 14. Antillean Creole or Créole Martiniquais, French-based, spoken in the Lesser Antilles 15. Tok Pisin, an official language of Papua New Guinea 16. Torres Strait Creole or Brokan, spoken in Far-North-East Australia, Torres Strait, and South-West Papua 17. Patois, French based, spoken in Saint Lucia 18. Nagamese creole, based on Assamese, used in Nagaland, India
Sky, my, tie, lie, sigh, die, by, dry, cry, buy, sty.Well that's a pretty hard question but rye and cry rhymes with fly. I don't know any other ones yet. * scry * spry my by pie sigh lie tie die high hi whybuy, cry, die, dye, pry, sly, Iai, ai, ay, aye, bae, bi, bligh, bly, blye, brye, buy, by, bye, cai,chae, chai, chi, cry, crye, cy, dai, di, die, dry, drye, dye, eye, fae,fi, flye, frei, fry, frye, fye, gae, guy, gyi, heye, hi, high, hy, i, i., jai,jai, kai, keye, kwai, kyi, lai, lie, lxi, ly, lye, mai, mei, my, ngai, ngai,nie, nigh, nye, pae, phi, phy, pi, pie, ply, pri, pry, psi, pty, pye,rye, sai, sai, sci, shai, shy, sigh, sky, sligh, sly, slye, spry, spy, sri,sty, sy, tae, tai, thai, thigh, thy, tie, tri, trie, try, tsai, tsai, ty, tye,vi, vi, vie, vy, wai, why, why, wry, wrye, wy, wye, y, y., yieguyhimydiewrytiebuybyeryecrydyefieguyhighIliepiesty
Sly, buy, by, cry, fly, tie, pie, why, I, lie2 syllables:akai, alai, ally, altai, and i, apply, awry, bad guy, bandai, barkai, bee fly, belie, bely, bird's eye, black eye, black fly, black tai, black tie, blow fly, blue sky, bone dry, bonsai, bow tie, Brunei, bull's eye, but i, bye-bye, cat's eye, chiengmai, chubais, chugai, come by, comply, crane fly, crossed eye, cup tie, decry, defy, deny, dongmei, do by, drop by, dry fly, Dubai, dupuy, fall guy, far cry, fast dye, fish fry, flesh fly, fly by, fly high, french fry, french rye, fruit fly, george i, george vi, get by, glass eye, glide by, good-bye, goodbye, good guy, go by, hair dye, hand dye, hereby, hi-fi, horn fly, horse fly, if i, imai, imply, in my, isty, iwai, James i, July, kanai, kansai, lac dye, lahaie, let fly, life time, live by, louse fly, mcfly, meat pie, mihai, mince pie, mind's eye, mistry, murai, nankai, nearby, pass by, pop fly, pork pie, red tai, rely, reply, retry, run by, run dry, salt i, sand fly, scrape by, screw eye, shanghai, shoo fly, sit by, slide by, slip by, small fry, squash pie, squeak by, squeeze by, standby, stand by, stick by, stink fly, stir fry, stone fly, string tie, sundai, supply, switaj, test fly, that i, thereby, third eye, tie dye, tokai, tongue tie, tough guy, untie, uy, vat dye, Versailles, war cry, wet fly, what i, whereby, whisk by, white tai, white tie, wild rye, wise guy, xuemei, zhuhai, zip by3 syllables:abide by, alder fly, apple pie, battle cry, bola tie, by and by, by the bye, c. p. i., captain bligh, central thai, clovis i, compound eye, dobson fly, double dye, dragon's eye, DUI, eau de vie, edward i, edward vi, evil eye, exist by, f. b. i., Frederick i, give the eye, harvest fly, Henry i, Henry vi, hessian fly, hook and eye, hue and cry, in reply, jai alai, Jewish rye, junior high, kidney pie, lantern fly, m. c. i., m. r. i., magic eye, misapply, northern spy, old school tie, on the sly, overfly, p. r. i., pecan pie, pizza pie, private-eye, private eye, public eye, pumpkin pie, rabi i, railroad tie, red bird's eye, resupply, rhubarb pie, Richard i, robber fly, Robert i, semidry, senior high, shepherd's pie, shoofly pie, simple eye, southern tai, spanish fly, streamer fly, t. c. i., travel by, tsetse fly, underlie, underly, weather eye, William bligh, windsor tie, world war i4 syllables:aniline dye, blink of an eye, blueberry pie, Boston cream pie, cspi, electric eye, fluorescent dye, fourth of July, give it a try, give the glad eye, Gregory i, in a pig's eye, Italian rye, mackerel sky, mithridates vi, money supply, oversupply, pineal eye, rallying cry, sacrifice fly, see eye to eye, turn a blind eye, vinegar fly, water supply5 syllables:Canada wild rye, demetrius i, divisible by, dominated by, dwi, elizabeth i, napoleon i, saint Gregory i, steak and kidney pie6 syllables:adl-tabatabai, indivisible by8 syllables:mediterranean fruit flyfrom: rhymezone.comguy, my, lie, die, pie, rye, sigh, why, hi, pry, fly, sly, cry, dry,sigh,fly,etc.Buy, bi, chai (tea), die, dye, eye, guy, hie, high, I, lie, lye, my, nigh, pie, rye, sigh, Thai, tie, thy, vie, why, and those are just some single syllable ones.cry, my, sly
This tea is used.
Tea in Hindi is called "Chai" and Tea leaves are called "Chai Patti"
chai me chini padta hai...chai ata hai china se chini Hindi se isliye Hindi chini bhai bhai...or koi sawal hai.....
English Butler Masala Chai - 2010 is rated/received certificates of: Canada:PG
The Thai translation for "boy" is "หนุ่ม" and for "girl" it is "สาว".
It means "Alive".
The litteral translation of tea in Swahili is 'chai'. There are several types of tea such as black tea (chai ya rangi) and tea with milk (chai ya maziwa). The word chai can also be used to signify a mid-morning tea break (usually at around 10:00am).
"Life", "living", or "alive", depending on the context.
The Russian word for tea is чай, pronounced chai. It's the same word as what they call spiced tea at Starbucks, but it does not have to be spicy. Russian shares the word chai for tea with Turkish, Persian, Japanese, Hindi and many other languages.
Chai Romruen goes by Chai.
chai (חי) = alive or livingNote: Many English-speaking Jews think this word means "life" but it's actually an adjective. Life is chayim (חיים).