Liberia is the country you are thinking of.
The meaning of the African Luo name Adongo is "second of twins".
The meaning of the African Luo name Aluoch is "born on an overcast morning".
The phrase 'After Domino' contains an error. For 'after' isn't a word in the ancient, classical Latin language. Perhaps the word that's meant is 'afer', which means 'African'. The correct phrase therefore is the following: 'afer Domino'. The word-by-word translation is as follows: 'afer' means 'African'; and 'Domino' means 'to the Lord'. The meaning therefore is an African to the Lord.Or perhaps the word that's meant is 'ater', which means 'coal-black'. The correct phrase therefore is the following: 'ater Domino'. The word-by-word translation is as follows: 'afer' means 'black'; and 'Domino' means 'to the Lord'. The meaning therefore is black to the Lord.
There are more than 2000 languages in Africa and more than 50 countries. OMG, could people please stop thinking of Africa as one country. Please. - African
The South African word meaning mountain is "koppie."
The meaning of the African Luhya word "omwechesi" is teacher in English language.
The meaning of the African Luhya word "Omwimbi" is Singer in English language.
The meaning of the African Luhya word "Ibarua" is Letter in English language.
eGoli - meaning city of gold. Often used for Johannesburg.
There is no language called African. Parfait is a French word meaning perfect.
The Igbo meaning for the word "Wake" of the African origin is Kpọte.
The Igbo meaning for the word "Yield" of the African origin is Mkpụrụ.
The Igbo meaning for the word "Wander" of the African origin is Kpagharị.
The Igbo meaning for the word "Zone" of the African origin is Mpaghara.
The Igbo meaning for the word "Abdomen" of the African origin is Afọ.
The Igbo meaning for the word "Abandon" of the African origin is Hapụ.