Time is jikan in Japanese :D
"See you next week" in Japanese is また来週ね (mata raishuu ne).
time or when
Translated from Japanese - it means 'I want to see you'
The name Landon is of Old English origin and there is not a Japanese meaning for the name. In English this name means long hill.
The Japanese word "inu" meaning dog is of Japanese origin and does not come from the Chinese language. It has been a part of the Japanese language for a long time and is unique to Japanese.
Kon'nichiwa ojisan, anata wo aeni nagai aida matte imashita. this is the litteral translation however the Japanese have an expression exactly for this occassion. "ojisan sashiburidesu" means like "long time no see"
usually Japanese people cant see much because of their eyes so they don't waste the time to see your vagina.
"ohisashiburi desu" means "It's been a while" or "Long time no see". In this form it is fairly polite. A more casual way to say it is "hisashiburi".
Britain lose Singapore to Japanese a long time ago
That would really take a long time, since there is no Japanese space center on the moon.
It means goodbye for a long time.
I think it means "Long Time No See"
0100110001101111011011100110011100100000011101000110100101101101011001010010110000100000011011100110111100100000011100110110010101100101 That is how you say, 'Long time, no see" in Binary.
Long Time No See - 1954 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Approved
The same amount of time it takes to cook rice.
Chinese characters.