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Q: Knight in Japanese
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Related questions

What are Japanese knights called?

The Japanese equivalent to a knight would most likely be a Samurai

What is the word kinght in Japanese?

騎士 (ki shi) is Japanese for 'knight' ナイト (na i to) is also Japanese 'gairaigo' (borrowed word) for both 'night' and 'knight'.

What language is vampire knight in?


How do you say 'ice knight' in Japanese?

'Ice knight' may be expressed as 氷の騎士 (koori no kishi) in Japanese.

What language are they speaking in vampire knight?


How do you write knight in Japanese?

騎士 Kishi

Is vampire knight spanish or Japanese?

Japanese, but it is translated in all different languages if you search around.

When there will be a vampire knight season 2?

You can now watch Vampire knight season 2 on YouTube in Japanese or English.

What Japanese social classes were equal to a European knight?


Will vampire vampire knight season 3 in Japanese dub?


What is the word 'knight' when translated from English to Japanese?

Kishi (騎士).

How long will it take for anime6org to get the second season of Vampire Knight from the Japanese makers?

Its Already On You Youtube Its Called "Vampire Knight Guilty"