霊能者 /rei nou sha/ means 'medium, psychic person'. You can also say 超能力者 /chou nou ryo ku sha/ in a more general sense, meaning 'person with psi/psychic/supernatural gifts/abilities etc'.
The Japanese word for cute is Kawaii, The Japanese word for scared Kowai
Japanese word for surender
The Japanese word for sheep is hitsuji.
'Yorokobi' is a Japanese word for joy.
Esupaa, silent u
Cho noryoku sha. Psychic also wroks if u pronounce like "sai kick"
You can say 霊能猫 /rei nou ne ko/.
The word psychic as spelt as you have in the question.. The other word you are searching for is spelt clairvoyant.
霊能者 /rei nou sha/ means 'medium, psychic person'. You can also say 超能力者 /chou nou ryo ku sha/ in a more general sense, meaning 'person with psi/psychic/supernatural gifts/abilities etc'.
The word psychic (pronounced /ˈsaɪkɨk/; from the Greek psychikos-"of the soul, mental") haha that's wikipedia. :)
The fortune-teller claimed she was psychic, but was in fact a scammer. (i got ths from someone else)
A 'Psychic' is a person who claims to have extrasensory perception. People who call themselves Fortune Tellers, Psychic Detectives or Oracles are often refered to as 'Psychics'.
This is not a Japanese word.
Japanese does not have a word for "it."
Abbi does not appear to be a Japanese word.