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The statement "je veux ton amour" means "I want your love" in English.

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"i want your love"

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Q: J'veux ton amour translated to English?
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What does je veux ton amouret je veuxta revanche jveux ton amour mean in English?

"I want your love and I want your revenge I want your love"

What is 'your love' when translated from English to French?

"Your love" in English means ton amour informally and votre amour formally in French.

What does J'veux ton amour et je veux ton J'veux to amour mean in English?

It means "I want your love

What is the french word for the English word your love?

your love -> ton amour / votre amour

What language is Je veux ton amour in?

French of course. Je veux ton amour translates to "I want your love" in english.

What does J'veux ton amour mean in English?

I want your love.

What is the French phrase 'Je veux ton amour et je veux ta vengeance' in English?

I want your love and I want your revenge (revenge is usually translated by revanche)

What is the French phrase 'Je veux ton amour et je veux ton amour' in English?

"I want your love, and I want your love" is an English equivalent of the French phrase "Je veux ton amour, et Je veux ton amour."Specifically, the subject pronoun "je" means "I." The verb "veux" means "(I) am wishing/wanting, do wish/want, wish/want." The masculine possessive adjective "ton" means "your." The noun "amour" means "love." The conjunction "et" means "and."The pronunciation is "zhuh vuh toh-nah-moo-reh zhuh vuh toh-nah-moor."

How do you prononunce je veux ton amour?


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"When translated to English, 'Quel est ton prénom' means 'What is your first name?'"

Who do you say j'veux ton amour et?

je veux ton amour et... -- I want your love and...

What is the French 'Je veux ton amour' in English?

"I want your love" is an English equivalent of the French phrase "Je veux ton amour."Specifically, the personal pronoun "je" means "I." The verb "veux" means "(I) am wishing/wanting, do wish/want, wish/want." The masculine possessive adjective "ton" means "your." The noun "amour" means "love."The pronunciation is "zhuh vuh toh-nah-moor."