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masculine, le miel

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Q: Is the french word miel for honey masculine or feminine?
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Related questions

What is the English word honey in french?

masculine- 'avec mon cheri' or feminine- 'avec ma cherie'

How do you say honey in french?

honey is "le miel" in French. the honeymoon = la lune de miel

How do you pronounce miel in french?

"Miel" in French is pronounced "mee-EL." The 'ie' makes an 'ee' sound and the 'l' at the end is pronouced.

Honey in french?


How do you pronounce honey in french?


What does honey mean in french?


How do you sat honey in french?

miel, douceur

What food in France is le miel?

Miel is French for honey, a sticky, sweet-tasting substance produced by honey bees.

What is 'honey bee' in French?

"Abeille Ã? miel" is a French equivalent of "honey bee" (Apis mellifera).The feminine noun "abeille" means "bee." Its singular definite article is "l"* ("the"), and its singular indefinite article "une" ("a, one"). The preposition "Ã?" means "to, in, at." The masculine noun "miel" means "honey." Its singular definite article is "le," and its singular indefinite article "un."The pronunciation is "ah-beh ah myehl."*The feminine singular definite article actually is "la." But the vowel "a" in "la" drops before a noun that begins with a vowel. The temporary nature of that drop is indicated by an apostrophe.

What is the meaning of ma miel?

Not sure if there is a meaning for 'ma miel'.Miel is the french word for honey and is masculine.As well as the food product it can be used as a term of endearment;example:Je t'aime mon miel = I love you honey

What does pour vous le miel mean?

Pour vous le miel means "for you the honey" in French.

How do you say clover honey in french?

Miel de trèfle