The French name for Jack is "Jacques." It is the French equivalent of the English name Jack. In French, names often have different variations or translations compared to English names due to linguistic differences between the two languages.
"Holly Simmons" is an English loan name in French.Specifically, French language speakers respect the original language of the person's name. They do not translate names into equivalents in French, because then the name is not backed up by identification. The French pronunciation of the English first and last name is "oh-lee see-moh."
Glenda as the character in "Wizard of Oz" is usually translated as "Glinda". However, if a living person's name is Glenda in English, the name would be preserved in French (names do not change between language).
Last name.
It doesn't really have a meaning, it is an actual name, though in either French or Spanish, "Trianon" suggests a special place with pleasant surroundings, beauty and balance.
The French name for Jack is "Jacques." It is the French equivalent of the English name Jack. In French, names often have different variations or translations compared to English names due to linguistic differences between the two languages.
The equivalent French first name for Jamie or James is 'Jacques'.
According to, Travis is a variant of the French 'Travers' meaning 'sideways'.
"Joseph" translates to "Joseph" in French. It is the same name in both English and French.
Eponine is an old and outdated female first name, with no equivalent in English that I know of. It has no signification in French as a word.
Mes Aieux is a French phrase that can be translated into English and means "my ancestors" or "my family". It is the name of a a popular French song artist.
Spanish ~ Jesus French ~ Josué - (the name Joshua is rare, but much more common than Josué)
You can introduce yourself by saying "Bonjour, je m'appelle [Your Name]." (Hello, my name is [Your Name]).
Étienne is a variation of the first name "Stéphane". It is spelled Stephen in English.
the month and the name both translate to "Avril"
"Holly Simmons" is an English loan name in French.Specifically, French language speakers respect the original language of the person's name. They do not translate names into equivalents in French, because then the name is not backed up by identification. The French pronunciation of the English first and last name is "oh-lee see-moh."