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The question 'Dormiste bien' means Did you sleep well? In the word-by-word translation, the verb 'dormiste' means '[you] did sleep, slept'. The adverb 'bien' means 'fine, well'. The question 'Has dormido bien' means Have you slept well? In the word-by-word translation, the auxiliary verb 'has' means '[you] have'. The past participle 'dormido' means 'slept'. The adverb 'bien' means 'fine, well'.

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You slept well

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Q: How do you translate into English 'Dormiste bien Has dormido bien'?
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Translation: Hice mi tarea y dormí. It is worth noting that this is a translation of "I did my homework and slept". In Spanish, you cannot just use a verb with conjugating it to designate an actor. If you want to say "He did homework and slept" -- it would be "Hizo la tarea y durmió."

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