I don't think spanish, has an exact word for weirdo. Rarito, is used also to denote a gay person, something that weirdo does not say. (We say: Es medio rarito, or es rarito. Which generally means, he is Gay) We usually say, that someone is "raro" or "extra~o" . Which just mean weird and strange. But in Spanish, we don't have an exact word to denote all the weirdo means. I really like english, because of words like Weirdo, "weirdos from an other planet" Cheers!
how do you spell lemon in spanish
flaco is how you spell skinny is spanish.
Do you mean how do you spell the Spanish word for quit.
The noun 'cantante' is how you spell singer in Spanish.
Your spell wrong its Taylor not tayler but shes not a weirdo shes beautiful
"Weirdo" is a slang term used in the U.S. You could say "weird person" which would be "bizarre personne."
That is the correct spelling of weirdest (most weird).
I don't think spanish, has an exact word for weirdo. Rarito, is used also to denote a gay person, something that weirdo does not say. (We say: Es medio rarito, or es rarito. Which generally means, he is Gay) We usually say, that someone is "raro" or "extra~o" . Which just mean weird and strange. But in Spanish, we don't have an exact word to denote all the weirdo means. I really like english, because of words like Weirdo, "weirdos from an other planet" Cheers!
how do you spell lemon in spanish
Well you have spelled the word so there you are o_o weirdo
parece that is how you spell seems in spanish
"con" I think "con" is how you spell with in spanish.
flaco is how you spell skinny is spanish.
Heck with Spanish - can you spell it in English?
"Thursday" in Spanish is "jueves". It is not capitalized.
If you are asking how the word "spanish" is spelled, it would be Spanish. "How do you spell" in spanish is "¿Cómo se deletrea...?"