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The animal gorilla is spelled gorila. The warfare is guerrilla.

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Q: How do you spell the word gorilla in spanish?
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Related questions

How do you spell grilla?

The likely word is "gorilla" (a large primate).

How is another way to spell gorilla?

A gorilla is a primate; a guerrilla is a type of rebel in irregular warfare.(from the Spanish for little war)

Is there more than one way to spell gorilla?

The word "gorilla" is the only spelling for the large ape. The word "guerrilla" (Spanish for 'little war') is an armed insurgent, usually striking covertly against an existing political regime or military force.

How do you spell gurilla?

This could be either of two words and spellings: * Guerilla: the fighter or fighting method (from the Spanish word meaning little war) * Gorilla: the great ape

How do you spell the word gorilla as in army people in the jungle?

The similar word is "guerrilla" (a rebel or insurgent).

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Do you mean how do you spell the Spanish word for quit.

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"Lire" is not a Spanish word. If you are looking for how to spell the Spanish word for "to read," it is spelled "leer."

How do you say spell in Spanish?

The Spanish word for "spell" (as in letters in a word) is "deletrear" Which translated lyerally means to separate the letters. The word for "spell" (as in time) is "temporada". The word for "spell" (as in hex) is "encanto".

How do you spell Spanish?

If you are asking how the word "spanish" is spelled, it would be Spanish. "How do you spell" in spanish is "¿Cómo se deletrea...?"

How do you spell dozen in Spanish?

The Spanish word is docena.

How do spell science in spanish?

You spell the word science in Spanish as ciencia. In Italian the word science is scienza and in German it is wissenschaft.

How do you spell science in spanish?

You spell the word science in Spanish as ciencia. In Italian the word science is scienza and in German it is wissenschaft.