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Q: How do you spell kitchen in french?
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How do you spell kitchen pot in french?

This is the pot de cuisine

What is kitchen in French?

kitchen in french is "la Cuisine"

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They spell it like this kitchen

How is kitchen spelled in French?

The kitchen is 'la cuisine' (fem.) in French.

What is the French word for kitchen?

The kitchen is "la cuisine" (fem.) in French.

What is the French translation for kitchen?

The kitchen is called 'la cuisine' (fem.) in French.

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How do you spell cabinet in French?

le petit placard = cabinet / cupboard le cabinet = political cabinet le buffet de cuisine = kitchen cabinet

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The phrase "how do you spell it in french" is spelled as "Comment cela s'épelle en français" in French.

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"Ajouter" is how you spell "add" in French.

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