Spell Ryan in french
this is how you spell spelling in french: l'orthographe
Dolphin is spelled 'dauphin' in French. This is a masculine noun with no feminine, a female dolphin would be called 'un dauphin femelle'.
How do you spell Megan Lynn in French
the common dolphin (particular species of dolphin) is called 'le dauphin commun' in French.
The word dolphin is a fish, or another name for a porpoise.(The French word for dolphin, dauphin, was applied to heirs apparent to the throne.)
Dolphin is (der) Delfin.
How you did: The dolphin made a *the noise a dolphin makes* as it bobbed out of the water to look at us.
Commerson's dolphin after the French Naturalist Philibert Commerson.
The name for a marine mammal is the dolphin.
Le dauphin (masculine noun) is the translation for both the dolphin and the of the French throne.
Le dauphin (masculine noun) is the translation for both the dolphin and the of the French throne.
The marine mammal related to porpoises is a dolphin.