"lo perros son animales salvajes"
You say, "¿Qué tamaño necesita usted?
Lacrose when you say this you need a little accent thow! :D
To say "I need to use the restroom" in Spanish, use the phrase "Necesita/o usar el bano."
yes she does
Necesito un médico is how you say i need a doctor in Spanish :)Necesito un médico is how you say i need a doctor in Spanish :)Necesito un médico is how you say i need a doctor in Spanish :)Necesito un médico is how you say i need a doctor in Spanish :)
almacén de piensos
Translation: Dame de comer.
To say 'I need bread' in Spanish, you would say 'Necesito pan.'
To say 'I need cereal' in Spanish, you would say 'Yo necesito cereales.'
Translation: Puedes darle de comer.
You would say "muchos animales".
To say 'I need a chair' in Spanish, you would say 'Yo necesito una silla.'
Most people say that we need animals because we need them for food.
The way you say "Do you need water?" is "Necisita agua?"The c is pronounced as an s and the second i is pronounced as if to say eel.