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qu'est-ce que j'en ai à faire?

Roughly, "kes-ke zhun ay ah fair"

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Q: How do you say who cares in french?
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Who do you say no one cares in French?

personne soigne

How do you say cares about me in french?

Se soucie de moi.

How do you say he cares about her in french?

Il s'intéresse à elle

How do you say may I have a small baguette with butter ham cheese and lettuce in french?

No one cares

How do you say guess who in french?

Who even cares! Make the french person learn english! Simples! Or if you must just say Le Guess Who. Hope it helped! Have a fun game!

How do you say shooting in french?

Who f_ _ king cares? It's bad enough we have to push #1 for English!

What if he say he cares but do not show it?

Just believe that he cares ;)

What is the name of the most famous french restaurant?

who knows!!! who cares!

Is it correct to say peoples?

Is it correct to say no one cares?

What will a guy do to show you he cares?

A person who cares shows you respect! Watch a persons actions not just what they say! Be patient!

What do Micah Moore's tattoos say?

who the hell cares

What does she mean when she says she cares deeply for you?

When she says she deeply cares about you that means that she likes you a lot but is not ready to say "I love you" yet. : - )