You can say fuego or incendio.
Quiero hacerte el amor en el sol is how you would say "I want to make love to you in the sun" in Spanish.
Sol mean Sun in spanish
By and large, you just say, "It's making much sun." Hace mucho sol.
Answer: sol
does sun flower seeds make you
they eat sun flower seeds corn and black oiled sun flower seeds
Sun flower oil is made out of its mature seeds.
Sunflower seeds are called sunflower seeds because they come from the sunflower plant. The seeds are harvested from the flower's center, where they are located in a spiral pattern resembling the sun's rays. The name "sunflower seeds" highlights the plant's vibrant and sun-like appearance.
Sun Flower seeds.
A sunflower seed grows into a sunflower with more seeds. A seed must flower before making more seeds. Each flower produces over 1000 seeds.
No, sun flower seeds are not of the fruit family but are in the seed and nut family which gives us protein and fiber to our bodies.
yes they do.
seeds Sun flowers have seeds, inside the seed kernel is the meat or nut.
Sun flower seeds are fine during pregnancy. They are very high in sodium so like everything in life, moderation is reccomended.
I would like to know how to preserve sun flower seeds. I dont want to cook them, just preserve them straight from the flower.
if you through it at them hard enough.