to take away : emporter, emmener a dish in a takeaway: un plat à emporter
Main dish
to say meatballs in french you say: boulettes
this is how you say it in french Sheila
grosse is how you say fat in french
It is called a petri dish or culture dish, and it is used in microbiology to culture and observe the growth of bacteria, mold, or other microorganisms.
beakercould be a petri dish
a petri dish is used to study small things
A Petri dish is a small, clear plastic dish that is used in science and experiments.
This is called a petri dish named after a German bacteriologist, Julius Petri.
Julius Richard Petri is known for being the inventor of the petri dish. In early bacteria studies, cultures were kept in lidless dishes and as a result they often became contaminated. Julius Richard Petri invented a dish with a lid that reduced the risk of contamination and this has become known as the petri dish.
It's called a Petri dish, name after German bacteriologist Julius Richard Petri.
A Petri dish is a shallow glass or plastic cylindrical dish that biologists use to culture cells, which can be bacteria, animal, plant, or fungus.
Because during incubation moisture will form at the top of the petri dish. Inverting the dish prevents it from dropping into whatever you have in the petri dish.
A petri dish with division is a specialized culture dish that has compartments or sections to separate different samples or experiments within the same dish. This design allows for multiple tests to be conducted concurrently without the risk of cross-contamination.
A petri dish is a shallow, circular dish made of glass or clear plastic that is used in laboratories for culturing cells or bacteria. It typically has a flat bottom and a lid to prevent contamination. The dish is transparent to allow easy observation of the growth of microorganisms inside.
A Petri dish.